Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Pledge of Obedience

Alright kids, I think it's about time that someone discussed one of the most retarded aspects of American culture, and that is The Pledge of Allegiance. What are we, a nation of boy scouts and brownies? I understand patriotism, but this shit is enforced patriotism friends. Think about it: every morning in every elementary school across the country, children are required to stand up, place their hand over their heart and solemnly declare the national oaf, "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. ..And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Now, maybe I was just born under a bad sign, but ever since the first time I spoke those words I thought it was a crock of shit. Pledging allegiance to a flag ? No, it's not just "a flag", it's "the flag, you un-American little cocksucker!" Well, maybe I am an un-American little cocksucker, because after the first time that I spoke those words of blind obedience, it struck me as being, well, words of blind obedience! And from that day forward I would rise for the flag salute and gibberish my way through it. I'd do it in the voice of Charlie Brown's teacher" wah-wah wah-wah-wah..." It sure as hell made that shit a lot more fun, I'll tell you that much. I kept it up for years too and no one ever noticed. Not once.

Personally speaking, I've come to regard the Pledge of Allegiance along the same lines as the Nazi salute! All you have to do is extend your hand out from your heart at a 90 degree angle and you're there! Sieg-Heiling the flag!

When you actually think about it free from the bondage of brain-washing ,this form of patriotism represents psychosis more than patriotism. Pledging allegiance to a piece of drapery. It could've been a fuckin' doily cloth for all the difference it would make: " I pledge allegiance, to the doily, of the United States of America..." Imagine if someone were to pledge allegiance to their favorite doily cloth every morning? It wouldn't take long before the men in white coats showed up to take them to a safe place with a special little padded cell, would it?

Every country has its flag, but we're the only ones who actually speak to it ! You know why other countries don't? Because they realize that it's just a fuckin' flag ! A symbol for their country, not an object of holy worship. That's the real reason why they don't allow prayer in American public schools- they already have one! People don't recognize it as such, but it is a prayer. A prayer of unquestioning devotion. Almost like marriage vows. Creepy.

The brain-washing runs deep too. Just consider that Burger King commercial that was on a little while ago which featured hidden cameras filming Candid Camera-like pranks on the customers. Remember that shit? People were getting all bent out of shape because they were telling them that they had stopped selling whoppers. These folks were getting seriously pissed off, saying things like," I want to see the manager, right now" and "I came in here to get a whopper and I'm not leaving 'til I get one!!!" Here's my question: How come these people can get so self-righteous over the perceived injustice of not receiving their daily bovine-fix, yet most of them don't even raise an eyebrow over getting royally ass-fucked nine ways to Sunday by King George Bush II and his criminal administration?!? They'll bitch up a shit-storm to some over-worked, under-paid 17 year-old Guatemalan girl, but they never seem to find it necessary to bitch up a shit-storm at those under-worked, over-paid fuck-holes who are supposed to be their representatives !?!

Here's another thing that has puzzled and disturbed me: Why have they always called people who are against war and for peace radicals? They used to call those 60's anti-war protesters "radicals". How the fuck did protesting against another unjustified war make them radical? Actually, the throwing of Molotov cocktails made some of them radical, but you know why that shit happened, don't ya? Because special agents in the F.B.I. infiltrated certain radical elements of the counter culture and encouraged them to engage in acts of violence. Its documented folks, it's true. Google the word COINTELPRO into your computer and see for yourself! That shit was a creation of our government, the guys who have been the true radicals from the very beginning. The guys who love war, power, money and suffering...the snake men...the illuminati...(cue scary organ music).
Think about some of the world's most widely admired figures - Jesus wasn't radical, Buddha wasn't radical, Gandhi wasn't radical, Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't radical, and John Lennon wasn't radical. The ideas of peace and love that they espoused are the collective yearning we all have to see the world a beautiful, happy place. That's what most people want, right? Peace on earth? Love-Ins every Sunday?
You have to be one fucked-up bastard to want to see the streets coated in a thick glaze of blood and guts. We're normal friends, those people are radical- radically fucked!

Until next time, fuck the bastards! And remember, keep reaching for The Orange Cabbage!!!
Check out these links for more info on cointelpro as well as a groovy 60's web site:

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